Sri Kameswari Foundation is dedicated to the exploration and promotion of Indian Knowledge Systems (IKS) – the rich intellectual heritage of Bharata Varsha. We delve into the profound wisdom that encompasses both Astikas and Nastikas, showcasing the enduring legacy of this sacred land.

Our Motivation

Our Mission

At the heart of IKS lies the Vedas, the primary source of knowledge for Astikas. To deepen our understanding of the Vedas, ancillary disciplines such as Vedangas and Darshanas were developed. Together, they form the Shaastras, an encompassing body of wisdom that formed the foundation of the venerable Sanatana Dharma system. Our mission is to dispel misconceptions, foster true understanding, and cultivate enlightened perspectives through relearning.

Our Vision

In the bygone era, the Gurukula system played a pivotal role in preserving and integrating the essence of Sanatana Dharma into all facets of life in Bharata Varsha. However, the imposition of non-indic educational and governance systems has led to the decline of the Gurukula system in many areas, although it perseveres amidst adversity in select locations. Regrettably, this has had a detrimental impact on the essence of Sanatana Dharma.

To revive and strengthen the Gurukula system, we must adapt our strategies and embrace transformative change. This will enable us to rediscover, revisit, and reassess our knowledge systems, nurturing the emergence of future leaders, or GURUS, who will carry forward the legacy of IKS. We envision a world where the spiritual and modern realms coexist in harmony, empowering individuals to lead balanced and fulfilling lives.

Our Inspiration

Our Approach

Our approach is centered on creating a balance between spiritual wisdom and technological innovation. We believe that the future lies in harmonizing these two realms to create a more enlightened and sustainable world.

Key Questions We Address

As we embark on this transformative journey, we address several crucial questions:

  • How can we safeguard and protect the Gurukula system?
  • Where can we find reliable research resources on Shastras?
  • How can we access authoritative guidance to deepen our understanding of Sanatana Literature?
  • What effective strategies can be employed to propagate Indian Knowledge Systems?
  • How can we engage and inspire the youth with the concepts of Shastras?
  • Where can we find authentic information about the vibrant Sanatana culture?
  • Whom can we consult in our quest for a deeper exploration of IKS?

We are committed to providing comprehensive answers and valuable insights to these inquiries, serving as a trusted resource for those passionate about preserving and advancing the timeless wisdom of Indian Knowledge Systems.

Our Team

Anirudha Patel
Manager of Operations and Programs
Renuka Joshi
Content Developer
Sachi Anjunkar

Our Story

Unveiling the Origins: A Journey of Knowledge and Spirituality

The fascinating story begins with the profound influence of their father, Shri J.B. Shastry, on the lives of Acharya Suryanarayana and Acharya Srinivas. Guided by his wisdom, the two brothers embarked on a transformative journey early in their lives. Shri J.B. Sastry, a pragmatic individual, recognized the value of firsthand experience and believed it was essential for his children to immerse themselves in the teachings of great gurus, exploring the depths of Sanatana Dharma.

To manifest this vision, he enrolled Acharya Suryanarayana & Acharya Srinivas in a gurukulam (veda paathashaala) situated in the serene Anantavaram village near Tenali, Andhrapradesh. Under the tutelage of B. Sri Vishnubhatla Srikrishna Ghapathi, this transition from an English medium school in Hyderabad to a gurukulam presented them with a unique opportunity. Initially unfamiliar, they wholeheartedly embraced the rigorous routine, emphasizing discipline and responsibility. Their days commenced at the break of dawn, as early as 4:30 AM, and extended until 8:30 PM, filled with veda memorization, anushthana practices, and integration with the village's residents. Alongside their veda adhyayanam, they actively participated in various responsibilities, such as gathering flowers for puja, maintaining the cleanliness of the pathashala, and organizing cultural events like Ganesha Chaturthi. This meticulously designed routine fostered their personal growth, honing their lifestyle management skills and enhancing efficiency. Although their time in the gurukulam was interrupted due to illness after studying some aspects of Krishna Yajurveda Samhita, their spiritual expedition was far from over.

Undeterred, their parents took a bold step by enrolling them in Acharya Khandavalli Lakshmiranjanam Andhra Prachya Kalashala, a Telugu oriental college affiliated with Osmania University, Hyderabad. This strategic decision ensured a seamless continuation of the profound samskara they acquired during their gurukula education. At this esteemed institution, they delved deep into our rich cultural heritage, guided by a meticulously crafted Telugu language curriculum. Simultaneously, they also pursued their education at the English & Foreign Languages University in Tarnaka, Hyderabad, exposing themselves to a diverse array of students hailing from different cultural backgrounds.

Motivated by their exposure to modern education, they yearned to delve further into the realms of shastras. Fortunately, fate brought them into the presence of Brahma Sri Ambadipudi Radheshyama Sharma in Tirupathi, an extraordinary teacher in search of ardent students eager to explore the depths of shastras. This serendipitous encounter prompted them to make the courageous decision of discontinuing their Bachelor's program, dedicating themselves to formal Gurukula Adhyayanam of Tarka Shastra under the guidance of their newfound Guruji in Kancheepuram. Immersed in this profound learning experience, they revisited the foundational teachings acquired in their earlier gurukula years and swiftly completed their study of Tarka Shastra.

Their stay in Kancheepuram became a transformative chapter in their lives. As they diligently pursued their studies and fulfilled their daily responsibilities, they had the opportunity to interact with eminent personalities associated with Sri Kanchi Kamakoti Mutt. Attending the revered tradition of 'Guruvara Sadas'

Emerging in the era of the internet, they possessed the expertise to navigate modern technology as it had been an integral part of their educational journey. Recognizing its potential as a tool for acquiring and sharing knowledge, they were motivated to make their wisdom accessible to future generations who showed a keen interest in the Indian Knowledge System. Their aspiration was to become a vital component of this remarkable virtual realm of intellectual pursuit. Hence, the establishment of this foundation stands as a testament to their unwavering determination, relentless drive, and resolute willpower.