Greetings Everyone!!! The month of February has given us the opportunity to present our thoughts and ideas on distinguished and wonderful platforms.This,in turn,reinforces our confidence that we are moving in the right direction in alignment with our Foundation’s motto.A month …
Greetings Everyone!!! In the Hindu calendar, the month of January is considered sacred as the Sun changes its direction from south to north,an event celebrated as Makara Sankramanam.This marks the beginning of Uttarayanam. Our revered rishis have explained that this …
Warm Regards Everyone!!! The month of December has been truly remarkable, offering us the opportunity to contribute meaningfully across various areas of life. From organizing medical camps and participating in forums on Indic Knowledge Systems to honoring our gurus and …
శివుడితో ముచ్చట్లు – శివుడిచ్చేది కావాలా,శివుడే కావాలా? ఓ శివ!కాస్త నీళ్ళు పోసి,ఒక మారేడు దళం వేసినా చాలు,తేలికగా అనుగ్రహించే దేవుడివి అని “భోళశంకరుడు” అన్న నామంతో నిన్ను అందరూ కొనియాడుతుంటారు.మిగిలిన స్వరూపాలను పూజించాలన్నా,వాళ్ళ అనుగ్రహం పొందాలన్న చాలా కష్టము అంటుంటారు. నువ్వు అనుగ్రహించే మాట నిజమేలే కానీ;ఇక్కడ నాకు ఒక సందేహం కలిగింది.శివానుగ్రహం …
Greetings Everyone!!! November,being the auspicious Kartika masam, has been a special month filled with devotion,with distinct rituals performed at Gurukulam on sacred days,like Kartika Somavaram,Paurnami,Ksheerabdhi dwadasi,Masa Shivaratri etc. Known as the “month of light,” Kartika Masa holds immense reverence for …
Greetings Everyone!!! As we reflect on October 2024, we are filled with gratitude for the vibrant connections and enriching experiences that have deepened our engagement with society, particularly in the fields of Shastras and Vedic knowledge. Here’s a look back …
1.Ganapati Navaratri Celebrations Ganapati Navaratri was celebrated at our Gurukulam, with nitya pooja conducted both in the morning and evening for Lord Ganesha. The Veda Pathashala students along with Acharya Jammalamadaka Suryanarayana garu collected patri for the Vinayaka Chaviti puja. …
1. Acharya, Jammalamadaka Suryanarayana Garu, had the honor of being one of the speakers at the event ‘Wisdom of the Puranas – Part 2’, organized by Sri Sri Jagadguru Shankaracharya Mahasamsthanam Dakshinamnaya Sri Sharada Peetham, alongside other eminent Acharyas. He …
1.Vigyana Gurukulam is an online learning platform for kids from the Sri Kameswari Foundation. At Vigyana Gurukulam, we provide interactive training for children in the following topics Bharatiya Vigyaan Bhagawadgita Sarala Samskritam Aaryaavarta StotraMaalika Ayurveda Vedic Maths Click here to …
श्रीरामनवमि व्रतकल्पं आचम्य, प्राणानायम्य, मासपक्षाद्युल्लिख्य, श्रीपरमेश्वरप्रीत्यर्थं, मम समस्त-पापक्षयद्वारा श्रीरामप्रीतये रामनवमीव्रतांगत्वेन यथामिळितोपचारैः रामपूजां करिष्ये ॥तत्रादौ निर्विघ्नपरिसमाप्त्यर्थं गणाधिपतिपूजां करिष्ये॥पंचशब्दैः पुण्याहवाचनं, तथा राममन्त्रेण षडङ्गन्यासं कलशाद्यर्चनं च करिष्ये ॥गणाधिपतिपूजां पुण्याहवाचनादि च कृत्वा, ततः फलपुष्पाक्षतसहितं जलपूर्णं ताम्रपात्रं गृहीत्वा, “उपोष्य नवमीं त्वद्य यामेष्वष्टसु राघव, तेन प्रीतो …